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Register Now for 2019 OABA Industry Conference!

Chart your course at the 2019 conference

2019 Ic Event Baner

Are you prepared to Navigate the future of the agriculture industry? The Ohio AgriBusiness Association’s 2019 Industry Conference will help you chart your course by providing invaluable education and networking opportunities for agribusiness professionals. 

The 2019 Industry Conference will be held January 31-Feb 1, 2019 at the Columbus Marriott Northwest. Registration rates are as follows:

  • Member: $275 ($350 after Jan. 15)
  • Non­-Member: $425 ($500 after Jan. 15)

Visit for more information and to register. 


Get AMP'T!

Emerging leader? Aspiring executive? Prepare yourself to take that next step!

Offered on Jan. 30 - before the 2019 Industry Conference begins - the Advancing Modern Professionals for Tomorrow Program will help prepare emerging leaders to take the next step in their professional careers. This year’s topic is Manufacturing Engagement: How to Keep Your Talent from Becoming Theirs, presented by Lisa Ryan of Grategy.

Registration rates are as follows:

  • If attending the 2019 Industry Conference: $50
  • If only attending the AMP'T Program: $100

Visit for more information!

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