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Innovation and Research Take Center Stage at 2018 4R Technology Review Field Day

Industry Continues to Strengthen Commitment to Improving Water Quality

Img 3263More than 150 agricultural influencers came together for the 2018 4R Technology Review Field Day at Kellogg Farms, a Blanchard River Demonstration Farm located in Hardin County. Agricultural retailers, researchers, farmers and others were in attendance to discuss the latest research on nutrient management, water quality, conservation efforts, and experience field demonstrations.

The event featured presentations by industry experts, including:

All presenters stressed the importance of the 4Rs, which refers to using the Right Source of Nutrients at the Right Rate and Right Time in the Right Place. Attendees can evaluate and consider implementation of new techniques and best management practices into current conservation efforts.

Attendees also heard from a panel of the Blanchard River Demonstration Network farmers: Bill Kellogg, Kellogg Farms; Chris Kurt, Kurt Farms; and Duane Stateler, Stateler Family Farms. The farmers shared conservation practices used on their farms with the goal of retaining nutrients, reducing runoff, and improving water quality.

Field demonstrations allowed attendees to get up close to new and innovative technology aimed at retaining nutrients where they are needed and reducing nutrient loss from fields. The equipment demonstrated:

Hosted by the Ohio AgriBusiness Association, the event received generous support from industry partners, including: AgCredit, Blanchard River Demonstration Farms Network, Environmental Tillage Systems, The Fertilizer Institute, Mosaic, New Leader, Nutrient Stewardship Council, Ohio Corn & Wheat Growers Association, Ohio Farm Bureau and Ohio Soybean Council.

The agriculture industry remains committed to improving water quality, retaining nutrients where they are needed, and reducing runoff into Lake Erie and other waterways in Ohio. Events like the 4R Technology Review Field Day provide opportunity to share current research and technology to continuously strengthen that commitment.

Click here to view the event photos on Facebook. 

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