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Attend 4R Technology Reviews for Exclusive Access to Nutrient Stewardship Tools

Save the date for Ohio's event on Sept. 13

Grow your nutrient stewardship expertise and stand out as a leader in environmental sustainability by attending a 4R Technology Review event. These field days, sponsored by The Fertilizer Institute (TFI), The Mosaic Company, Environmental Tillage Systems (ETS) and the 4R Nutrient Stewardship Council, offer attendees exclusive access to experts, information and tools to grow farm sustainability through 4R nutrient stewardship practices.

“4R Technology Reviews are great opportunities to hear the latest information on maximizing crop uptake of nutrients, while minimizing nutrient loss to achieve long-term benefits,” said Lara Moody, TFI vice president of stewardship and sustainability.

Each event is customized by state to showcase local research and retailers. Attendees can expect to get the latest research on the benefits of 4R nutrient stewardship practices critical to improving water quality; see precision nutrient application during an in-field demo with the ETS SoilWarrior® zone tillage system; and hear from local retailers about how they are implementing 4R practices with their customers. Plus, certified crop advisers earn CEUs.

Field days will be held in Minnesota, Iowa, Illinois and Ohio. Lunch is provided at these events, but space is limited so reserve your seat today:

“This is a unique way for retailers and farmers to come together to share information about responsible nutrient stewardship and discover real-world tools they can use to elevate their sustainability practices,” explained Andrew Allman, executive director of the Nutrient Stewardship Council, The Nutrient Stewardship Council is the governing body for the certification program.

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